
research and publications


Study Title – A lecithin phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid complex (PAS) reduces symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Journal: Clinical Nutrition Volume 24 (IF- 7.643)

Publisher: Elsevier

No. of Participants: 48 Participant completed the studies (18–45 years with a diagnosis of PMS), (Treatment = 24, Placebo =24)

Study dose:  PAS (400 mg x 4), placebo (Maize starch)

Study Period: 4 months (1 baseline menstrual cycle followed by 3 treatment cycles)

Parameters Measured: DRSP Score (Daily Record of Severity of Problems): Physical Symptoms, Depressive Symptoms, Anger, Reduced Productivity, Interference with Relationships, Interference with Social Activities, Serum Cortisol Levels

Results: 40 participants completed the study

  • Reduction in DRSP Total Score observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 19.40% vs 8.92%.
  • Reduction in physical symptoms observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 20.14% vs 12.10%.
  • Reduction in depressive symptoms observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 20.18% vs 7.11%.
  • Reduction in symptom severity observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 36.26% vs 9.28%.
  • Reduction in anger observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 14.13% vs 12.57%.
  • Average decrease in reduced productivity observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 43.33% vs 3.36%.
  • Average decrease in interference with relationships observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 45.09% vs 14.57%.
  • Reduction in interference with social activities observed in treatment group compared to placebo: 42.25% vs 10.71%.
  • Reduction in serum cortisol levels observed in treatment group compared to an increase in placebo: -2.72% vs +19.77%.